Pretty much all of our training has been along Linear Park and all the while we have been accompanied by the chatter, twitter, warble, squawk, screech, caroling, quacking, cawing and outright laughter of myriad birds; when we haven't felt much like walking it has always been the colours and chorus, the babies and the antics of the birds that have changed our 'drudgery' to joy. Sweet little reminders of God's amazing creation.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Santiago de Compostela 1 June 2015

Our last day in Santiago and we will walk around this beautiful city, admire the buildings, linger a little by the Cathedral and hope to catch people we met along the Way as they come in, wonder at the beggars plentiful in the busy walk ways, and still have our pilgrimage to make sense of. We have been awed by beautiful architecture, monasteries, castles and cathedrals, feats of creative man built in the 11th Century, 12th ... you name it, but I have no memory for who's works and how old. I at times feel we rushed through our walk and the history lesson. But what follows then are the memories we didn't rush, the awe of creation by a Master Creator ... the tenacity of huge black beetles slowly picking their way across a pebbly path, an enormous 800 year old chestnut tree, the height and width of old oak trees or not so old gum, lazy cows in a green, green pasture, trees red with glistening cherries, the many mixtures that can make up a dog, the colour of blue skies, the bright red of a single poppy, the five different hues of purple wild flowers, rushing rivers, the folds and height of endless mountain ranges, frost on a silken web early in the morning, the might of the ocean and rocks smoothed over time.
This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16